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. Cycling .

Upcoming Cycling Racing Events


at Redlands Business Park (RBP)


No scheduled club racing at present


Where:  Redlands Business Park  (Jardine Drive, Redland Bay)

Registration:   6:40am  - please pre-register here

Racing Starts:  6:55am 

Please bring your racing licence

Cost:  $10.19  (please bring a visa/debit card on the day rather than cash)


Redlands Race Mentoring Program @ RBP

Want to race but not sure where to start?


Good news!  Redlands Cycling and Multisport Club is re-introducing its mentoring program to assist those (men and women) wanting to start or get back into racing. The Mentor will assist by providing valued advice to those new to racing, ease the nerves, help teach you the ins and outs, stick with you around the Redlands Business Park track, and maybe even launch you towards your first podium finish.

So come along and give it a try!  You just need to get yourself a Race licence, and for this Cycling Australia offer a few options here.  As of the 8th Jan 2019 you will be able to choose from either a 1 or 3 race licence, or a 'pay as you go per month',  or an annual licence starting from the day that you join.  Just head to the Memberships page to find all of the info.  Don't forget to bring your licence along on the day.


A huge thanks to all of the Mentors for inspiring our new racers!

Calling All Mentors...

Interested in being a Mentor?  Just drop an email to

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